Guest Post – Alternatives to Hops

This is an article written and provided entirely by The Carling Partnership who specializes in search and selection for jobs in the brewing, distilling, wine, cider and soft drinks industries. They reached out to me recently and I was more than happy to post this as a guest post since I found it to be very relevant to…

Taster Tray Series – Callister Brewing in Vancouver, BC

Taster Tray Series – Callister Brewing in Vancouver, BC: Today’s feature is Callister Brewing which is located in Vancouver, BC in the East Van (or Yeast Van) brewing district. What makes this place particularly interesting is that it is a functional co-op style brewhouse, featuring Callister brewing and three other breweries under one roof. Specifically, Brewery Creek, Machine…

A Review of Chimay Trappist Beers: Red, Yellow and Blue Bottles

Chimay Brewery: Located in Chimay, Belgium this is a Trappist brewery operating out of Scourmont Abbey who famously brews the three beers pictured above for worldwide distribution. They use water from wells inside the monastery and put all profits towards the maintenance of the monastery itself or towards community charitable social services provided by the monks. They also…

Event Review – This Sandwich That Beer Throwdown IV

This Sandwich That Beer Throwdown IV: This was the fourth occurrence of this event where 9 local chefs and 9 local brewers made special pairings of sandwiches and cask beers in a throw-down contest. Beyond the everlasting bragging rights of being named the winner, they also contributed to raising money for Growing Chefs who is dedicated to…

Gift Giving Guide for Beer Geeks

Do you have a friend or someone special in your life that has an abundance of craft beer, says words like “re-fermented” with glee or quotes vintages when describing beers they enjoy? Odds are they may just be a beer geek like me and you may find it intimidating to buy a beer related gift that will impress…

I am now a Level 5 Beer Geek

Leveling as a Beer Geek – Originally I had listed myself as a level 4 beer geek on a scale of 1-5, now I realize that like a karate black belt there are various degrees beyond the belt that I have yet to learn. To make things easy, I will expand the scale to a 1 to…