IPA Review – Melvin Asterisk Double IPA


Melvin Asterisk DIPA: Described as the cousin of 2X4 on Melvin’s website this 9% abv Double IPA is my choice for IPA of the week for a few reasons. First off tomorrow is 2X4 day which is another great DIPA that is sadly hard to find fresh in Vancouver, secondly because it is a great beer that should be consumed very soon to get the best experience from it and finally, well Melvin makes amazing IPA’s. Last I checked this was available in most bottle shops in Bellingham, WA or anywhere they distribute beer in the USA.

Aroma and Appearance: It pours a slightly hazy golden colour with no visible carbonation and two generous fingers of pearly white foam that creates sporadic lacing in the glass as it goes down. The aroma is fairly malt dominant, with notes of caramel ridden sweet bread accompanied by quaffs of pine resin and forest floor.

Flavour: Initially a sweet doughy bread malt flavour dominates the beginning of the beer with nuances of caramel and honey appearing at the front of your palate. In the middle, which is notably chewy, a distinct herbal lemon pepper spice leads you through a chewy textured middle of the beer. As it finishes, a strong wet grass, danky flavour (typical of heavy Mosaic hopping) appears out of almost no where in abundance and combines with a piney resin filled aftertaste that’s both bitter and ever so slightly sweet.

Overall Impression: I was happy to have another good chewy malt forward and hop finished double IPA from the USA where breweries seem to mastered this style of beer.

Rating: I gave it an excellent rating of 8/10, I’ll probably never tire of double IPA’s made this way since they deliver such a great palate adventure.

Food Pairing: A good quality chicken burger, fish tacos or Oka cheese.

Tomorrow is officially 2X4 day (Feb 4th) so if you have  chance, grab a Melvin 2X4 or go join one of their various celebrations including some local options.

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