BC Craft Beer Review – Phillips Brewing Amnesiac Double IPA

Phillips Amnesiac DIPA

Phillips Brewing – Amnesiac Double IPA: Hailing from Victoria, this craft beer is brewed at a strength of 8.5% abv and was enjoyed at home from a 22 oz bottle with a freaky elephant on it.

Aroma and Appearance: The colour is clear golden honey with two fingers of white foam and very bubble interior. The aroma was muted mango, some peach and a bit of bread malt.

Flavour: I could detect a bit of light bread malt, with lots of herbal hops up front. The middle was lemon citrus and caramel with a piney woodsy bitter finish.

Overall Impression: This is similar to a lot of “summer” IPA’s out there, lots of hops, refreshing but not much of a malt presence.

Rating: I give it a very good rating of 7/10, it is good offering that I would recommend to others but also not overly complex.

Food Pairing: The website suggest stir fried tofu with oyster sauce – say what? Personally, spicy fish tacos sounds a lot more appetizing to me.




5 thoughts on “BC Craft Beer Review – Phillips Brewing Amnesiac Double IPA

  1. Pingback: The Monday Mash – July 28th, 2014 | venturinginvancouver

  2. Pingback: TGIF: Best Beer Posts of the Week | BEER not WAR

  3. Amnesiac is my go to double IPA!! Absolutely fantabulous!! Nice and hoppy, with some citrus kick and and beautiful bitterness!! One bomber bottle after work on the deck and all is good!

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